10/9/12 | By: Ingrid
"Are You Ready for Some FAITHball" 

Yes, you guessed it. I'm getting ready to use the game of football to share a teachable point today that came to me. On Sunday As I was watching NFL GameDay Morning (as I do every Sunday after church during football season in preparation for my place on the couch to watch football all day through the Sunday night game), God started speaking to me through the announcer highlights about my own "Game Day". It was like He was my head coach talking to me about the next game and how it fits in the plan for the season ahead. In preparation for "Game Day", which I will call "Destiny Day", there are plays I must call as the "quarterback" of my team in life. Let's start with the playbook. My playbook must be studied on a daily/weekly basis for "Game Day" application/execution. God, as my coach, has strategically created plays for me to run that will not only use my skills and abilities, it will also strategically involve others He has strategically drafted to my team to help me score. He even equipped me with a water boy and medical staff, just in case I need to replenish and/or renew as I execute play. I'm now approaching the fourth quarter of play (October, November and December). No matter what the stats or predictions are based on my past game performances, the fact that I have new "Game Day" opportunities ahead for the rest of my season is evidence that I'm still a "play maker" in the stadium of life with more chances to get in the game, call plays, throw the "FAITHball" to score!! Even with my opponents doing everything possible to intercept the ball and prevent me from scoring touchdowns (manifestations) with God as my offensive line, Jesus as my running back and the Holy Spirit as my receiver, scoring and winning the game is more than possible. The Promise Land of the "Super Bowl" is within my grasp and foreseeable future. My road to the Super Bowl may have some losses in the midst of winning, some records broken, and a few bruises and/or injuries along the way. However, getting to the Super Bowl is the ultimate, and with some rest and healing between games all I have to do is suit up and be ready. Be ready to get in the game, stay in the game, call the plays and throw the ball. Even if I have a few naysayers in the stadium, call the plays and throw the ball. Even if in 4 quarters of play I win and it ain't so pretty scoring, stay in the game, call the plays and throw the ball 'cause it's still a win at the end of the day. Even if I get hurt, let the medical team do its work and rest during brief time outs, but get back in the game, call the plays and throw the ball. I may take some hits, but get back up, be patient, call the next play and throw the ball. Don't lose myself in the hype of the fans, keep my eye on the end zone (prize), take care of the ball (FAITHball), believe in my playbook, show up ready to play and be the best damn quarterback possible. "Game Day" opportunities are going to come. Don't take the game of life for granted. We are all just one play away from scoring and the possibility of one winning game away from reaching our "Destiny Day" with a "Super Bowl" kind of Promise!!

Peace & Blessings,
3/22/12 | By: Ingrid

I could say "Why Me" but instead I will say "Thank God You Chose Me"

This morning I started with a question but due to the blessing of a best friend that helped me see the power in the reason why God chooses me to be in the midst of some of the most difficult situations of others--never mind my own. We/I could ask, "Why did he/she call me to come help them leave an abusive relationship that has now spilled into a physical altercation that needs immediate intervention--although this has been a 5-10 year toxic relationship? Why did he/she call me at 3am because they want me to come get their son/daughter that is acting out of every frustration they've had and can't be control--even though every act is a result of the generational curse their parents have passed on to them without their permission or fault, and their parents lack control so now a spirit of control that is now being exercised against their child? Why did he/she call me to come bail them out of jail cause no one else would answer--even though this is the 3rd time they've been in trouble with the law? There are so many scenarios of questions whether personally or in the evidence of others that I could ask, but why? Instead, I'm blessed and thankful to have a friend say to me this morning, "I'm glad God chose you because you are just the person to bring love and healing to the situation. God knew who to have them call on, cause He knew you would lean not to your own understanding, trust Him in all your ways, go beyond myself in the flesh and go about every situation He brings you to handle with love, in spirit and in truth. He trusted you enough to place His children in your hands to be of help (His help)." As I listened, I began to see that He knew I would put down my anger and frustration stones to not judge, but instead pick up my ROCK of Salvation and stand on what I know is true and right--even if it didn't feel right because it hurts to see one hurt another only to see the truth that even the one causing the hurt/pain is hurting too. I listened to a young child of God pour out his pain to me to the point of even asking God why he was alive to feel so unloved? You can't imagine the pain I felt in my heart to heart that and how deep that touched me realizing that I believe I am love (God's Love Bug purposed to infect others with His Love--Agape). At that moment, I realized that it was God's love that sent me to open my much needed arms of love that God needed him to experience at that moment--even if he doesn't quite understand yet just what it means. I can't begin to imagine the pain of Trayvon Martin's parents that don't have an opportunity to hold their son with love due to his recent murder in Florida at the hands of neighborhood watch captain. Then I'm perplexed at how many parents kill their children over and over daily spiritually, emotionally and physically (through abuse), and yet we still are charged with putting our stones down to bring healing and love in spite of. I often pray and believe that one day I will be blessed to be a mommy. I pray that all that God is calling me to today will help me be a more compassionate, passionate, patient, exemplary, God-fearing/God-loving, full of humility, understanding, truthful, respectful, honest, transparent, respected, fun-loving, strong, essential, spiritual and above all these things a mommy of LOVE...because that's just want God is....LOVE!! Instead of asking why, I will say, "Thank you God for choosing me to be love, show love, spread love and see the power of love effect someone else's life in ways that I can't even imagine, but pray that in years to come I will see what this one moment in time for being their when a child needed me most in love can bring about in the possibility of their adult life--and maybe one day when they are parents too.
2/25/12 | By: Ingrid

Mocha Motivation Break

As I'm sipping one of my favorite cup of mocha (White Chocolate Mocha today), I want to share a little "Mocha Motivation" with you. Grab your favorite cup and take a break with me...

For this moment, I want us to talk about passion to change your perspective on where you are in your personal journey. We are all on a journey going somewhere. If you are like me, you don't just want to press your luck and hope you reach your destined destinations. I want to press my faith that as I am intentional and strategic about my passion of BECOMING, that I will hit my destination marks every time. Let me share my BECOMING perspective: BECOMING the most joyFUL woman because my passion to write, inspire, give, serve and love are destined to bring to reality an abundant life as a woman after God's own heart, daughter, BFF, future wife and mother, author, mogul and philanthropist. For every sip I take, I feel the warmth of knowing that I'm BECOMING!! Doesn't that sound so powerful!! I think so...lol. I'm not worried about what others think about who I am, who or what I love, or what others think I should do or be doing. Not because I don't appreciate other's insight or advice. I just think there are times in your life when you have to be driven by your spirit--from inside speaking to you and ultimately directing you. Some call it your gut, some their inner voice, some call it intuition. I call it as I see it...the Holy Spirit. It KNOWS, It BELIEVES (in me), It GUIDES, It knows BEST, It knows THE BEST ME, It knows HOW, It knows ALL. It even knows who and what I need at every stage of my journey. I promised a Mocha break so a few minutes is the most the many busy people have... I hope you are busy being ON PURPOSE!!

Until our next Mocha Motivation Break...PEACE & BLESSINGS!!!

So Love,
Follow Me on Twitter: @talktoingrid
2/14/12 | By: Ingrid


I woke up this morning with thoughts of LOVE. Not just because I am a hopeful/hope-filled romantic or that I believe God created me to be His LOVE BUG to infest (invade in great numbers; live on or in a host) the world with His Love (Agape). Not just because it excites me to see, give, share and live in and with LOVE. I woke up to the thought that today of all days, Valentine's Day, I would choose to BE LOVE!! I would delight myself in that fact that God so LOVES me that he gifted me to be able to stand on a/His promises, that He gave me another day to do what I LOVE (which is why I'm writing this blog today), and to shine my light for the purpose of LOVE for who I am, whose I am and all that I am. I figure if I LIGHT IT UP (my LOVE LIGHT) just like I would the candles I LOVE to light and burn, then someone else could be touched by this blog post and use me to light themselves--just as if you took you and touched me (the flame) to now burn bright for yourself. It doesn't matter if you are with the LOVE of your life, looking for the LOVE of your life, dreaming about the LOVE of your life, praying for the LOVEof your life, doing what you LOVE, desiring to do what you LOVE or believing in LOVE today. YOU ARE LOVE!! So that I don't sound cliche-ish or like many who will try and tell you all they ways to deal with this one day a year, let me just say, "I'LL SHINE, SO YOU SHINE, SO WE SHINE AND THEN OTHERS CAN SHINE"! Let's just be a LOVE LIGHT like never before today. If you are honest with yourself today, DO YOU like you know you are LOVE/LOVED and bless someone else with your flame...LIGHT IT UP!!!
2/3/12 | By: Ingrid


As I was reading my devotion this morning, Joel was talking about how when we are in God's Will/Plan for our lives, we might make wrong turns but he redirects or path to get us back on track to our destination. As I was reading, I kept hearing the GPS voice saying "RECALCULATING...DRIVE 3.3 MILES and TURN RIGHT". I couldn't stop laughing with joy at the thought that along our journey even if we make a wrong turn (whether it's because we miss-read God's instructions, if we are attempting to take a shorter route cause we think we know best so we ignore our internal GPS system or we are just taking the scenic route because it's what we want), the GPS system inside us (the Holy Spirit) will recalculate. Whether it's another 3.3 miles to the right turn or 12 miles, our destination is still before us. I can't help be feel blessed today that despite the difference in my journey or yours, we have the ability to have a new day to be redirected back on track. I can't help but be thankful for all the true friends/family in my life that help me cruise on faith to the promise/destiny God has for me. Not cruise on false or unrealistic paths/easy roads, but instead roads that may even have mountains but I still yet over come them by God's grace and mercy. I hope that as you go about your day too, that you hear not matter what comes your internal GPS that says, "RECALCULATING...DRIVE 3.3 MILES and TURN RIGHT!" Peace and Blessings,

1/12/12 | By: Ingrid

"Everyday I'm Bossin' It"

It's time to check in to see how you are taking my last advice to BOSS IT in 2012. I needed to tell you that I'm taking my own advice just so you know that I am practicing what I preach (smiles). We are twelve days into the year and I have,

**Launch a new partnership with two very talented and creative women to move fully into the next level of client servicing. I can't wait to share more details about this in the coming days--website, clothing line and more!!

**Written two more chapters for my next book release which puts me that much closer to completing my release goal over the next 30 days

**Was contacted by two very influential and powerful friends I meet over a year ago, and we are now preparing to collab on two major projects in film and publishing

**I've gotten an increase on a consulting job I've been working

**I've moved into a radical prayer life (watch my testimony explode...1,000 times greater than now!!)

**I was asked today to be the feature in a Video Series/Web TV project that I can use to brand and increase my business and at the same time use it to create a new revenue stream

**I  was informed that I was discussed in a meeting about nonprofits and funding, and as a result my non-profit organization is now in a position to be up and running and finally funded in this year

The beautiful thing about all of this is that I simply made the decision to "BOSS IT" and my next move was to go into a radical prayer zone to see God's purpose, plan, visions and promises BOSSED--in essences see them move from vision/dream to reality. I was just willing to finally say yes and seek Him first in guiding and instructing me. It is my faith and trust in God that is now moving mountains that have seemed to be too large to conquer until now--that my heart and eyes are open to doing it God's way!!

Now please share with me how you have BOSS IT in these first twelve days of 2012!! I can't wait to hear and share. Others will be blessed bout our encouragement!!
1/1/12 | By: Ingrid

2012...Don't Just Make a Resolution... BOSS IT!!!!

In the afternoon on New Years Eve last year (2011... lol), I was in Jersey Mike's ordering one of my favorites (The Original) and I was asked if I wanted to BOSS my sandwich. As the gentlemen who was preparing my order began to explain what BOSSing it meant, I suddenly had a profound thought and a changed perspective--not just a delight on how much better my sandwich was about to be. Just minutes before I was entering into a restaurant that was my second visit that week for lunch, and little did I know that minutes later one question would inspire me to take on a New Year like never before. I decided at that moment to "BOSS IT" in 2012!! KISSing my mission for the New Year with the visions, goals and dreams I have (Keeping It Simple Stupid to the third power).

Think about it for a moment. "BOSS IT" applies no matter what. If I think about the message at New Year's service last night (Don't worry and/or concern yourself with HOW in 2012...focus on the WHO! When you know WHO/WHOSE YOU ARE/WHO YOU ARE, HOW becomes insignificant), I realized that if I see myself as the BOSS I truly am, then when I speak and set my mind on what I want to do, accomplish, see, have or be, I simply live it and own it (Like a BOSS does). No stressing to meet a goal. Why not you ask? Cause I'm a/the BOSS. I can set and adjust the goals as necessary to redefine my own success as I live. I can plan so that I don't plan to fail, but I'm a/the BOSS I can adjust the plan accordingly as I live. For every dream I want to see come true in this New Year, I can see myself doing it not worrying about how. I'm a BOSS (resourceful, relentless, talented, a visionary, passionate, creative, persistent, prayerful, a believer, a risk taker, an achiever, a money magnet, shall I go on...lol :0). Whether my idea/vision is a multi-million dollar company or a one hundred thousand small business, I'm going to BOSS IT!! I own it so I have the power to take it to any height that I define as necessary, successful, profitable or suitable for my life/lifestyle--not anyone else’s! I can even choose who I want to bless--leaving behind and letting go of those that have done nothing but hated, faked friendship, lacked humility or compassion, made it a practice to be a blessing blocker and/or live for TOO MUCH DRAMA.

I think by now you get my point. No matter who you are or what your vision, dream or goal is in life. It's time to BOSS IT...TO LIVE IT...TO LOVE IT LIKE NEVER BEFORE...TO OWN IT IN 2012 CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT HELL---It's about damn time you get to make the decisions that impact the world for it's greater good of people globally--not just few that have been bailing themselves out and flipping us off and setting us up to lose our American Dreams!!! NOT!! Are a BOSS...CAUSE I'M A BOSS!!! (In my Rick Ross Voice) LOL!! SO LETS JUST BOSS IT!!