11/23/15 | By: Ingrid

The Spirit of Unpacking

It' been a while since my last post. I will admit I have packed "her" away for a little over two years...the awesome "her" in me. I recently, suddenly had migraine level headaches for two days straight. I've never had migraines before but the headaches were so mega painful that I imagined this must be what they feel like. That was so out of the norm for me and after two people suggested, I checked my blood pressure. To my surprise my pressure was unusually high. I was floored that it was reading on the machine at hypertension 2 levels!!!! That rung an alarm with me because I have never had medical issues of any kind. They only things I've ever been diagnosed with and sought medical attention for is Sinus, food poison and hives. I was placed on immediate bed rest for the weekend. As a result, I began to reflect and think about what and why I was stressing to such levels that would cause my pressure to rise so high. To top it off, two people told me that it wasn't just physical they believed it was also spiritual. God was definitely trying to get me attention and I needed to be still, listen and pay attention. I am a doer by nature, multitalented jack of all trades so God knew I of course needed to be forced to stay in bed for two whole days straight, LOL. However, thank God I did because my light switch moment came!! I realized I moved from my house that me and God build literally a little over two years ago to transition to the next level of what I have coined "sexy living". I was on a mission to transition so I purged to lightened my load to fly to higher altitudes of greatness. But in the two years since, I never truly unpacked and settled in to a place to make it my home. I am truly a creative being so even my home space has to be an atmosphere that allows for creative and positive energy, the love of living (a house that all rooms are meant to be lived in...no plastic covers here, LOL) and the spirit of God's love and peace. I realized that for two years my "stuff" has been packed and scattered in three places...storage, my mom's house and what little it took to make my place a little livable. I recently moved again to a bigger place with an even bigger, better view of downtown Nashville but the stress of not being settled into a place where I can flow in balance was now making me sick, literally. I realize that even with my goals that include making a real estate purchase in this urban living community that I have come to love, I must make where I am right now the home that breathes life into the Ingrid that has always been there but has been packed away for a little over two years. This experience has given me new meaning to the importance of making a house a HOME! I have been packed up in mind, physically and spirit. I'm writing this blog, something that I too haven't done in a while because like a dam my creativity has been packed up, backed up to a breaking point. A true flood of creativity, just like when a the water pressure builds to its highest points and the dam breaks. Whether I am in the beautiful space for 6 months, 12 months or 2 years, this time I am stepping into my RIGHT NOW and UNPACKING!! Yes, I already have the plan that any move I make next I will be paying someone else to pack and move me so that eases my mind too, but that's only the sprinkles on this cupcake because I am going to put the icing on this eatable moment of unpacking to be the best authentic and organically creative me I can boldly be!  It's time to unpack her mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually so that she flows like she always has fabulously!! The she in me needs me to get back to the art of being all she was created. I am my most passionate, fun-loving, energetic, awe-inspiring when I am living in such a manner that allows my creative inner being to flow with no limits. I'm a no limit soldier, I thought I told ya, LOL. Living Life by Design has now become the "brand" of my movement to inspire others to do the same. Let's "unpack" to be bold, be brilliant to most of all be YOU!!

Talk To Ingrid: Talk To Ingrid: The Spirit of Unpacking

Talk To Ingrid: Talk To Ingrid: The Spirit of Unpacking: Talk To Ingrid: The Spirit of Unpacking : It' been a while since my last post. I will admit I have packed "her" away for a lit...
11/22/15 | By: Ingrid

Talk To Ingrid: The Spirit of Unpacking

Talk To Ingrid: The Spirit of Unpacking: It' been a while since my last post. I will admit I have packed "her" away for a little over two years...the awesome "her...
9/4/13 | By: Ingrid

"Calgon Take Me Away From the Stresses of Life"

Maybe many of you can remember the Calgon soap commercials that had the hook of "Calgon Take Me Away". The commercials would visually play out different stresses of life that one could be going through and that a Calgon bath was the perfect escape from it all. What are your daily stresses of life and what is our means of escape? What's your method of coping and relieving stress? Do you even have a way or know how to appropriately relieve stress? Often times we run to things like baths or other forms of coping, but miss the one true escape that has the power to move or release you from your temporary stress to a testimony of long-term blessings. Often our ways of coping are microwave actions that can lead to more long-term stress. We need stress relievers that in the short and long-term provide tools that lead to a continual ability to rest, rejuvenate, restore and renew without all the temporary fixes that only mask and never truly take away the root the problem cause our stress. It's the difference between a band-aid and new skin liquid bandage (One stroke protects the wound by keeping out dirt and germs and provides protections against infection with an antiseptic). Although baths and some other methods can be good, when is the last time you tried God and His word as your means of escape? Have you heard the saying "a good book can take you places you've never been before". You never have to leave your chair and can go on so many adventures. The bonus about God's good book (His Word--the Bible) is that you can not only go places you've never been before. He has an example and way to handle everything you could be possibly going through, and He can supply your every need to carry you through life's "stuff". Talk about a stress reliever. With who else can you cast your every care, stress and concern and have it handled for you. Only with God have I experienced letting go and letting Him and with certainty He comforts me, sends my help, strengthens me and doesn't give me more than I can handle. Heck once I give "it" to Him I see that He's already taken care of "it" for me. He really didn't need my help after all (LOL). His Word is like an open book test that I can't fail unless I choose not to read it for myself. He's even anointed others to gift me different translations and devotionals to help bring it to my various levels of understanding. From Moses to Mary. There are plenty of life's lessons that I can read in His Word that gives me a road map to the promise and at the same time showing me all the mistakes I don't have to make along the way because of those that have gone before me are teaching me. Isn't that a true blessing that we all can gift to someone else? Reaching back and teaching/showing someone through our testimony how to go about their journey and the blessing of not having to make the same mistakes we did because we are giving them a bridge over their trouble waters. That's God's Word--a constant "bridge" (not just an escape but a passage: the act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the way from one place to another). It's the difference between taking trips and vacations. A friend of mine once told me to "stop tripping and take a vacation"! Now you've heard it from me!! It's time to stop tripping and get in God's word, His presence and trust Him. He's preparing your vacation as we speak. It's the best choice you could make today to get to your much needed vacation of long-term joy verses temporary escapes that lead to moments of fake happiness!! STOP TRIPPING AND TAKE A VACATION!! Be intentional about what bridge you take today to relieve your stresses of life!! I was awaken at 3:45am and wrote this blog. I hope that it blesses you as it did me to awaken to it and share it with you!! 
10/9/12 | By: Ingrid
"Are You Ready for Some FAITHball" 

Yes, you guessed it. I'm getting ready to use the game of football to share a teachable point today that came to me. On Sunday As I was watching NFL GameDay Morning (as I do every Sunday after church during football season in preparation for my place on the couch to watch football all day through the Sunday night game), God started speaking to me through the announcer highlights about my own "Game Day". It was like He was my head coach talking to me about the next game and how it fits in the plan for the season ahead. In preparation for "Game Day", which I will call "Destiny Day", there are plays I must call as the "quarterback" of my team in life. Let's start with the playbook. My playbook must be studied on a daily/weekly basis for "Game Day" application/execution. God, as my coach, has strategically created plays for me to run that will not only use my skills and abilities, it will also strategically involve others He has strategically drafted to my team to help me score. He even equipped me with a water boy and medical staff, just in case I need to replenish and/or renew as I execute play. I'm now approaching the fourth quarter of play (October, November and December). No matter what the stats or predictions are based on my past game performances, the fact that I have new "Game Day" opportunities ahead for the rest of my season is evidence that I'm still a "play maker" in the stadium of life with more chances to get in the game, call plays, throw the "FAITHball" to score!! Even with my opponents doing everything possible to intercept the ball and prevent me from scoring touchdowns (manifestations) with God as my offensive line, Jesus as my running back and the Holy Spirit as my receiver, scoring and winning the game is more than possible. The Promise Land of the "Super Bowl" is within my grasp and foreseeable future. My road to the Super Bowl may have some losses in the midst of winning, some records broken, and a few bruises and/or injuries along the way. However, getting to the Super Bowl is the ultimate, and with some rest and healing between games all I have to do is suit up and be ready. Be ready to get in the game, stay in the game, call the plays and throw the ball. Even if I have a few naysayers in the stadium, call the plays and throw the ball. Even if in 4 quarters of play I win and it ain't so pretty scoring, stay in the game, call the plays and throw the ball 'cause it's still a win at the end of the day. Even if I get hurt, let the medical team do its work and rest during brief time outs, but get back in the game, call the plays and throw the ball. I may take some hits, but get back up, be patient, call the next play and throw the ball. Don't lose myself in the hype of the fans, keep my eye on the end zone (prize), take care of the ball (FAITHball), believe in my playbook, show up ready to play and be the best damn quarterback possible. "Game Day" opportunities are going to come. Don't take the game of life for granted. We are all just one play away from scoring and the possibility of one winning game away from reaching our "Destiny Day" with a "Super Bowl" kind of Promise!!

Peace & Blessings,
3/22/12 | By: Ingrid

I could say "Why Me" but instead I will say "Thank God You Chose Me"

This morning I started with a question but due to the blessing of a best friend that helped me see the power in the reason why God chooses me to be in the midst of some of the most difficult situations of others--never mind my own. We/I could ask, "Why did he/she call me to come help them leave an abusive relationship that has now spilled into a physical altercation that needs immediate intervention--although this has been a 5-10 year toxic relationship? Why did he/she call me at 3am because they want me to come get their son/daughter that is acting out of every frustration they've had and can't be control--even though every act is a result of the generational curse their parents have passed on to them without their permission or fault, and their parents lack control so now a spirit of control that is now being exercised against their child? Why did he/she call me to come bail them out of jail cause no one else would answer--even though this is the 3rd time they've been in trouble with the law? There are so many scenarios of questions whether personally or in the evidence of others that I could ask, but why? Instead, I'm blessed and thankful to have a friend say to me this morning, "I'm glad God chose you because you are just the person to bring love and healing to the situation. God knew who to have them call on, cause He knew you would lean not to your own understanding, trust Him in all your ways, go beyond myself in the flesh and go about every situation He brings you to handle with love, in spirit and in truth. He trusted you enough to place His children in your hands to be of help (His help)." As I listened, I began to see that He knew I would put down my anger and frustration stones to not judge, but instead pick up my ROCK of Salvation and stand on what I know is true and right--even if it didn't feel right because it hurts to see one hurt another only to see the truth that even the one causing the hurt/pain is hurting too. I listened to a young child of God pour out his pain to me to the point of even asking God why he was alive to feel so unloved? You can't imagine the pain I felt in my heart to heart that and how deep that touched me realizing that I believe I am love (God's Love Bug purposed to infect others with His Love--Agape). At that moment, I realized that it was God's love that sent me to open my much needed arms of love that God needed him to experience at that moment--even if he doesn't quite understand yet just what it means. I can't begin to imagine the pain of Trayvon Martin's parents that don't have an opportunity to hold their son with love due to his recent murder in Florida at the hands of neighborhood watch captain. Then I'm perplexed at how many parents kill their children over and over daily spiritually, emotionally and physically (through abuse), and yet we still are charged with putting our stones down to bring healing and love in spite of. I often pray and believe that one day I will be blessed to be a mommy. I pray that all that God is calling me to today will help me be a more compassionate, passionate, patient, exemplary, God-fearing/God-loving, full of humility, understanding, truthful, respectful, honest, transparent, respected, fun-loving, strong, essential, spiritual and above all these things a mommy of LOVE...because that's just want God is....LOVE!! Instead of asking why, I will say, "Thank you God for choosing me to be love, show love, spread love and see the power of love effect someone else's life in ways that I can't even imagine, but pray that in years to come I will see what this one moment in time for being their when a child needed me most in love can bring about in the possibility of their adult life--and maybe one day when they are parents too.
2/25/12 | By: Ingrid

Mocha Motivation Break

As I'm sipping one of my favorite cup of mocha (White Chocolate Mocha today), I want to share a little "Mocha Motivation" with you. Grab your favorite cup and take a break with me...

For this moment, I want us to talk about passion to change your perspective on where you are in your personal journey. We are all on a journey going somewhere. If you are like me, you don't just want to press your luck and hope you reach your destined destinations. I want to press my faith that as I am intentional and strategic about my passion of BECOMING, that I will hit my destination marks every time. Let me share my BECOMING perspective: BECOMING the most joyFUL woman because my passion to write, inspire, give, serve and love are destined to bring to reality an abundant life as a woman after God's own heart, daughter, BFF, future wife and mother, author, mogul and philanthropist. For every sip I take, I feel the warmth of knowing that I'm BECOMING!! Doesn't that sound so powerful!! I think so...lol. I'm not worried about what others think about who I am, who or what I love, or what others think I should do or be doing. Not because I don't appreciate other's insight or advice. I just think there are times in your life when you have to be driven by your spirit--from inside speaking to you and ultimately directing you. Some call it your gut, some their inner voice, some call it intuition. I call it as I see it...the Holy Spirit. It KNOWS, It BELIEVES (in me), It GUIDES, It knows BEST, It knows THE BEST ME, It knows HOW, It knows ALL. It even knows who and what I need at every stage of my journey. I promised a Mocha break so a few minutes is the most the many busy people have... I hope you are busy being ON PURPOSE!!

Until our next Mocha Motivation Break...PEACE & BLESSINGS!!!

So Love,
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