12/18/11 | By: Ingrid

Are You Expecting Your Tim Tebow 4th Quarter Comeback?

As I was watching the NFL countdown today, I was hit with a revelation on my perspective of what's possible. I listened to Shannon Sharpe and the other announcers discuss Tim Tebow and what one defined as a miracle we are witnessing in the career of a man that has been under such doubt and scrutiny. Suddenly it seemed like my eyes were opened to the possibility we all have to experience our own "Tim Tebow 4th Quarter Comeback" testimony/story. We are in fact in the fourth quarter of the year!! Does that not suggest that there is still enough time on the clock of this month to experience a miracle game winning score in our own lives? What are you expecting? Do you believe in your talents, goals and game plan? Are you even calling any plays to get in the game of scoring a touchdown in your hopes and dreams end zone?  These are a few questions that came to mind as I reflected over my own game of life...my own playbook. I even thought about whether or not I'm playing to win big, even in the fourth quarter, or playing conservative so that I have just enough to make it to what I hope is the next game in the new year?

I'm sure if you are like me, this year you have experienced moments of doubt, frustration, distractions, fear, joy, hope, disappointment, disbelief, shortness of patience, a hamburger short of a happy meal, being a day late and a dollar short, or just plain over. However, in spite what appeared to be a few set backs, I kept regrouping and working my focus and realized that they are really set ups for greater blessings. At least, I do try to see opportunity and possibility in the things good or bad. I'm not perfect so sometimes I do have moments where I feel like I could throw a few more punches and kicks in boot camp to let off a little steam!! :-) Heck, let's be real. There have been times that I have buried myself under the covers and felt like even a cup of my favorite mocha wouldn't get me out of bed. But, the champion in my for the underdog (even the underdog in me that I sometimes feel when I look at the mountain of work ahead of me when purposed to do great things) pulls me out of bed and pushes me to press on...GET MOVING...GET EXCITED...GET MOTIVATED...GET OVER IT!! My destiny is calling!!! Recognize that there's more fabulosity than the brief moments of frustration--frustration that mostly comes because I'm really just anxious to score the touch down of my dreams. For us spiritual at heart, I do realize I'm not suppose to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God (Philippians 4:6).

I really do believe that with every new day I'm given, I have the opportunity to receive the desires of my heart. I just have to keep showing up to play. I also mean that literally. We often take the fun out of living by taking everything and everyone so serious that we miss our opportunity to laugh at our haters...experience the joy of overcoming an obstacle...to be happy that our pain serves a greater purpose in our promise...that our tears are really washing our eyes to see more clearly the blessings in all things...to rejoice and dance over the yards we gain after contact (Yes WE HAVE YAC: Yards After Contact)!! Join me in taking some time to not just reflect over the past year, but to step up your game. Become the best quarter back in this your fourth quarter. Call some plays that allows others on your team to get in the game and help your score. Believe in your playbook. Calls you've made this year may not have worked like you thought, but the game ain't over. Go back to the huddle and get back to the line of scrimmage. There's no coincidence that we are witnessing a man that continues to show up to play in spite of his naysayers/doubters, keeps studying and honing his craft and prepares to win in mind, body & spirit. It's evidence that miracles, comebacks, answered prayers, dreams come true and promises fulfilled are VERY possible. Let's look at Tim Tebow's unfolding story as a testament to our own story unfolding. Let's commit to doing whatever we can to help encourage each other to stay focused, hopeful and inspired. From our blogs, tweets, text messages, FB postings, etc., let's play team. I'm expecting a "Tim Tebow style 4th Quarter Comeback". Are you?
12/14/11 | By: Ingrid

Unexpected Blessings that Inspire

Today I took the first step to do what has been so fascinating to watch others do, hoping that one day I would get out of my way and join the bloggers of the world. You would think that as a professional writer, among other resume brownie points, that blogging would be a "no brainer". Surely I wouldn't talk myself out of sharing my gift in this fun and fabulous way, right? Wrong! That's exactly what I've done until my unexpected blessing yesterday. I arrived at my favorite second office (Starbucks), got my chosen caramel hottie for the day, Caramel Apple Spice, and settled in to my now open seat along the wall. Instead of using my laptop to surf the web, work on a client project or check email, I decided to pick up my faithful journal and write as I soaked up the coffee shop atmosphere that tends to stir up my creativity. Little did I know that my passion for journaling would lead me to my "Unexpected Blessings" for the day. The blessing's name was Holli Denham :0). She was inspired by seeing someone (me) writing with a pen instead of joining the rest of the coffee shop guru's with a laptop including her. That led to our exciting conversation and her testimony about her new journey in God and her blog. WOW!! I was so inspired that I was almost brought to tears at how one person could bring such a fresh and powerful perspective to sharing with others your journey. I actually felt the passion of how someone's life can be changed, a dream inspired, an idea fueled and belief changed by coming to the end of yourself (as Holli so beautifully expressed in her testimony) by sharing your gifts--not based on whether or not you think someone will like it, buy it, use it or read it. It's just "right" to share your gift because you never know just how big your dream really is, how impactful your idea really can be or how many people's lives can be changed or inspired by "it" until you release "it"!! Just release it and let God do the rest. Take the first step then He can show you just how many footprints were waiting to follow you to their destiny as they are blessed by yours along the way. Holli and her wonderful spirit turned my "ah ha" light on and started me on my way to blogging as I continue my new journey of "living life outside of the box". I hope you join me...until we blog again and again.