2/25/12 | By: Ingrid

Mocha Motivation Break

As I'm sipping one of my favorite cup of mocha (White Chocolate Mocha today), I want to share a little "Mocha Motivation" with you. Grab your favorite cup and take a break with me...

For this moment, I want us to talk about passion to change your perspective on where you are in your personal journey. We are all on a journey going somewhere. If you are like me, you don't just want to press your luck and hope you reach your destined destinations. I want to press my faith that as I am intentional and strategic about my passion of BECOMING, that I will hit my destination marks every time. Let me share my BECOMING perspective: BECOMING the most joyFUL woman because my passion to write, inspire, give, serve and love are destined to bring to reality an abundant life as a woman after God's own heart, daughter, BFF, future wife and mother, author, mogul and philanthropist. For every sip I take, I feel the warmth of knowing that I'm BECOMING!! Doesn't that sound so powerful!! I think so...lol. I'm not worried about what others think about who I am, who or what I love, or what others think I should do or be doing. Not because I don't appreciate other's insight or advice. I just think there are times in your life when you have to be driven by your spirit--from inside speaking to you and ultimately directing you. Some call it your gut, some their inner voice, some call it intuition. I call it as I see it...the Holy Spirit. It KNOWS, It BELIEVES (in me), It GUIDES, It knows BEST, It knows THE BEST ME, It knows HOW, It knows ALL. It even knows who and what I need at every stage of my journey. I promised a Mocha break so a few minutes is the most the many busy people have... I hope you are busy being ON PURPOSE!!

Until our next Mocha Motivation Break...PEACE & BLESSINGS!!!

So Love,
Follow Me on Twitter: @talktoingrid
2/14/12 | By: Ingrid


I woke up this morning with thoughts of LOVE. Not just because I am a hopeful/hope-filled romantic or that I believe God created me to be His LOVE BUG to infest (invade in great numbers; live on or in a host) the world with His Love (Agape). Not just because it excites me to see, give, share and live in and with LOVE. I woke up to the thought that today of all days, Valentine's Day, I would choose to BE LOVE!! I would delight myself in that fact that God so LOVES me that he gifted me to be able to stand on a/His promises, that He gave me another day to do what I LOVE (which is why I'm writing this blog today), and to shine my light for the purpose of LOVE for who I am, whose I am and all that I am. I figure if I LIGHT IT UP (my LOVE LIGHT) just like I would the candles I LOVE to light and burn, then someone else could be touched by this blog post and use me to light themselves--just as if you took you and touched me (the flame) to now burn bright for yourself. It doesn't matter if you are with the LOVE of your life, looking for the LOVE of your life, dreaming about the LOVE of your life, praying for the LOVEof your life, doing what you LOVE, desiring to do what you LOVE or believing in LOVE today. YOU ARE LOVE!! So that I don't sound cliche-ish or like many who will try and tell you all they ways to deal with this one day a year, let me just say, "I'LL SHINE, SO YOU SHINE, SO WE SHINE AND THEN OTHERS CAN SHINE"! Let's just be a LOVE LIGHT like never before today. If you are honest with yourself today, DO YOU like you know you are LOVE/LOVED and bless someone else with your flame...LIGHT IT UP!!!
2/3/12 | By: Ingrid


As I was reading my devotion this morning, Joel was talking about how when we are in God's Will/Plan for our lives, we might make wrong turns but he redirects or path to get us back on track to our destination. As I was reading, I kept hearing the GPS voice saying "RECALCULATING...DRIVE 3.3 MILES and TURN RIGHT". I couldn't stop laughing with joy at the thought that along our journey even if we make a wrong turn (whether it's because we miss-read God's instructions, if we are attempting to take a shorter route cause we think we know best so we ignore our internal GPS system or we are just taking the scenic route because it's what we want), the GPS system inside us (the Holy Spirit) will recalculate. Whether it's another 3.3 miles to the right turn or 12 miles, our destination is still before us. I can't help be feel blessed today that despite the difference in my journey or yours, we have the ability to have a new day to be redirected back on track. I can't help but be thankful for all the true friends/family in my life that help me cruise on faith to the promise/destiny God has for me. Not cruise on false or unrealistic paths/easy roads, but instead roads that may even have mountains but I still yet over come them by God's grace and mercy. I hope that as you go about your day too, that you hear not matter what comes your internal GPS that says, "RECALCULATING...DRIVE 3.3 MILES and TURN RIGHT!" Peace and Blessings,
